Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ GM&Co: Notebook Journal Dot-Grid, Lined, Graph, 120 pages 5.5"x8.5": Blue Ocean Chevron (Chevron Notebook) by Gabriela Mongomory

GM&Co: Notebook Journal Dot-Grid, Lined, Graph, 120 pages 5.5"x8.5": Blue Ocean Chevron (Chevron Notebook) by Gabriela Mongomory

GM&Co: Notebook Journal Dot-Grid, Lined, Graph, 120 pages 5.5x8.5: Blue Ocean Chevron (Chevron Notebook)

GM&Co: Notebook Journal Dot-Grid, Lined, Graph, 120 pages 5.5"x8.5": Blue Ocean Chevron (Chevron Notebook) by Gabriela Mongomory PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

- 3 Patterns 120 Pages including : Dot-Grid 50 Pages , Lined 35 Pages , Grid 35 Pages
- Perfect for making lists, creating poetry, or writing down your life reflections
- High-quality -- Matte cover for a professional finish
- Perfect size at 5.5"x8.5" --Perfect Size for notebook
- Fountain pen friendly
- Made in USA

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