Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Tribe: Endangered Peoples Around the World by Piers Gibbon

Tribe: Endangered Peoples Around the World by Piers Gibbon

Tribe: Endangered Peoples Around the World

Tribe: Endangered Peoples Around the World by Piers Gibbon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A celebration of 200 of the world's indigenous peoples.

In words and beautiful photographs, Tribe explores the cultures, beliefs and societal patterns of human identity and belonging. Author Piers Gibbon describes some of the last existing tribal communities and shows them as intimate groups that are part of the wider world. We see their homes, celebrations and all that makes each tribe a unique thread in the fabric of humanity.

This comprehensive book details:

  • Life stages from birth to death
  • Learning, histories and how tribes interpret the world around them
  • Belief systems
  • Medicine, shamanism, prayer
  • Survival skills
  • Coming of age ceremonies
  • Dress and adornment
  • Sex, gender and relationships
  • Money, trade and wealth
  • Law and order
  • Leisure, sport, music and art
  • Outside contact now and in the past
  • Tribal futures

The book also corrects the notion that an aboriginal tribe is invariably cut off from the rest of the world. The author's personal interviews with the world's leading anthropologists explore the future of these tribes and examine what unmet need fuels our endless fascination with tribal societies.

Tribe is an inspiring, eye-opening and sometimes poignant exploration of some of the least known and most endangered peoples of the world.

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Tribe: Endangered Peoples Around the World by Piers Gibbon EPub

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