Kamis, 04 September 2014

PDF⋙ Gynaecology: Evidence-Based Algorithms by Jyotsna Pundir, Arri Coomarasamy

Gynaecology: Evidence-Based Algorithms by Jyotsna Pundir, Arri Coomarasamy

Gynaecology: Evidence-Based Algorithms

Gynaecology: Evidence-Based Algorithms by Jyotsna Pundir, Arri Coomarasamy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Clinical research has produced a continuous stream of evidence-based guidelines to guide practice in gynaecology. The guidelines are often widely scattered: this book brings together the essential guidelines in one comprehensive resource. The primarily focus is on Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists and other UK national guidelines; however, many chapters contain a 'Guideline Comparator' box carrying information from important international guidelines. Where there are no UK guidelines, information based on international guidelines is provided; where any guidelines do not exist, available evidence and accepted norms of practice based on expert opinion are detailed. Several chapters also contain a 'what not to do' box, which should act as a source of rich debate! To assist those studying for postgraduate examinations - such as MRCOG - the information is presented in schematic flowcharts, representing a step-by-step method of approaching clinical problems and providing an easy-to-use learning resource.

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