Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by John B. West
Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by John B. West PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Second Edition of Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology presents normal and abnormal pulmonary function in the same case-based format that has made the first edition a favorite among students. Each chapter begins with a clinical case study of diseases typically seen by practitioners. The cases are followed by a discussion and breakdown of the physiology, pathophysiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology for each disease, and a question-and-answer section. This edition has an infectious diseases chapter, updates on asthma pathogenesis and bronchodilators, and user-friendly features such as chapter openers, chapter outlines, "key points" summary boxes, and board-formatted questions and answers.
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