Sabtu, 07 November 2015

PDF⋙ Your Guide to Superheroes (Fiction Readers) by James Reid

Your Guide to Superheroes (Fiction Readers) by James Reid

Your Guide to Superheroes (Fiction Readers)

Your Guide to Superheroes (Fiction Readers) by James Reid PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Next time you're having a bad day or don't want to clean your room, call one of the superheroes in this book! Early readers will love the hilarious descriptions of each of these imaginative, unique superheroes. With captivating illustrations and a succinct advertisement for each character, children will be excited to read each profile. These amazing superheroes can help you with everything from carrying your heavy backpack to helping you fall asleep each night.

About Shell Education
Rachelle Cracchiolo started the company with a friend and fellow teacher. Both were eager to share their ideas and passion for education with other classroom leaders. What began as a hobby, selling lesson plans to local stores, became a part-time job after a full day of teaching, and eventually blossomed into Teacher Created Materials. The story continued in 2004 with the launch of Shell Education and the introduction of professional resources and classroom application books designed to support Teacher Created Materials curriculum resources. Today, Teacher Created Materials and Shell Education are two of the most recognized names in educational publishing around the world.

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