Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ The Business of Choice: Marketing to Consumers' Instincts by Matthew Willcox

The Business of Choice: Marketing to Consumers' Instincts by Matthew Willcox

The Business of Choice: Marketing to Consumers' Instincts

The Business of Choice: Marketing to Consumers' Instincts by Matthew Willcox PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Understand how to change behavior and make your brand the instinctive, intuitive, easy choice!
  • Discover powerful new ways to simplify and guide consumer decisions
  • Gain actionable insights into how social influence, feelings about the future and comparisons make choices instinctive.
  • See how the often-surprising findings and latest thinking from neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and the behavioral and social sciences can help your business
Whatever your marketing or behavioral objective, you'll be far more successful if you know how humans choose. Human intuitions and cognitive mechanisms have evolved over millions of years, but only now are marketers beginning to understand their impact on people's decisions. The Business of Choice helps you apply new scientific insights to make your brand or target behavior the easiest, most instinctive choice.
Matthew Willcox integrates the latest research advances with his own extensive enterprise marketing experience at FCB's Institute of Decision Making. Willcox explains why we humans often seem so irrational, how marketers can leverage the same evolutionary factors that helped humans prosper as a species, how to make decisions simpler for your consumers, and how to make them feel good about their choices, so that they continue to choose your brand or business.
Today, your customers face more choices, through more channels, in a world that seems to move faster then ever. To successfully influence those choices, marketers need to understand how humans choose.
The work of thousands of decision science researchers around the world seeks to provide the answers to this. In The Business of Choice, Matthew Willcox makes sense of the science and helps you apply it to your own marketing and brand strategies.
Willcox illuminates how the brain's decision-making systems have been evolving for millions of years, and shape consumer choices about everything from toothpaste to clothing to smartphones and retirement plans. You'll discover how, even if the choices people make sometimes seem irrational, they make sense if seen through the lens of human nature. You'll see how understanding this, and aligning your products and brands with the way humans naturally decide is the key to making your brand or business a natural choice.
  • LEVERAGE THE LATEST FINDINGS FROM BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE -- How advances in the behavioral sciences can reshape your approach to marketing and brand strategy
  • MAKE IT EASY--FOR MIND AND BODY -- Appeal to humans' deep innate desire to conserve physical and mental energy
  • PUT THE NON-CONSCIOUS MENTAL SHORTCUTS THAT PEOPLE USE TO WORK FOR YOU -- See how familiarity, sequencing, context, comparison, and affirmation can make people's decision to choose your product intuitive
  • RETHINK YOUR RESEARCH FOR GREATER ACCURACY AND EFFECTIVENESS -- Understand consumers' behavior even when they can't tell you what they'll do (or why they'll do it)
The Business of Choice will be an invaluable resource for all sales and marketing executives, strategists, agency professionals, and everyone in MBA-level marketing classes or programs.

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